September 26, 20155 Tips On How To Go Down On A Woman With HIV
October 15, 2015Foreign/Bodies
September 26, 20155 Tips On How To Go Down On A Woman With HIV
October 15, 20150 Comments
What it’s really like having sex when you have HIV
By Charlotte Dingle
"Normally when the condom breaks the biggest fear is getting pregnant. This was the other way round – I was the one thinking, 'What might I have done to him?'"
I'll never forget those three months I had to wait for an HIV test result, back in 2002 when I was 18. One night, I guy I'd been seeing confessed to me that he'd been somewhat careless with his sexual escapades - there were hints that he might have contracted something, but he didn't really care to fill me in on what it might be.
I was bowled over by shock and immediately booked an STD test. Luckily, my result came back negative – and taught me an important lesson about safe sex (and choosing boyfriends). It felt to me like the worst thing in the world that I might possibly have caught this fatal disease. Those 93 days and nights of worrying were pure hell. Worst of all, I couldn't even tell people what was worrying me, because I was so terrified of the judgement.
According to the National AIDS Trust, 100,000 people in the UK are knowingly living with HIV. A third of these are women. These days, tests can still take as long as three months after exposure to show an accurate result (and you can even get at-home tests), but are generally reliable in 95% of cases after a month and usually as soon as two weeks.
Susan* was diagnosed as HIV positive in 1995, aged 28, after a holiday romance. Hers is an unusual and interesting case; most people with HIV develop symptoms of AIDS within 10 years. Susan is still healthy after 20 years.
"The majority of people I know living long-term with an HIV diagnosis need to take medication at least twice a day," she tells me. "Luckily I'm completely healthy so I don't need to. I'm called a 'longterm non-progressor." Despite her continuing asymptomatic state, however, Susan still faces many of the same struggles as those who are ill from the virus. HIV has provided more concerns for her than just becoming sick. "I was a teacher when I was first diagnosed," she reveals. "I was terrified someone would find out I had HIV and I'd lose my job." Unfortunately, myths that the virus can be contracted by touch or even merely being near someone who has it persist to this day.
Susan was also immediately concerned about her romantic future. "I said to myself, 'I'm HIV positive. Will anyone ever want me again? Will I ever have a boyfriend again?'" Susan insisted on condoms with all her partners – but one night, a condom broke. It was a new relationship and she hadn't yet gathered the courage to reveal her status to the man she was with. "Normally when the condom breaks the biggest fear is of the woman becoming pregnant. This was the other way round – I was the one thinking, 'What might I have done to him?' I lay awake the whole night." Susan confessed in the morning. Thankfully her partner turned out not to be infected. "After that, I decided I would tell all potential sexual partners as soon as possible."
A subsequent partner had clear issues with Susan's status: so when she met her current partner, she "held him off as long as possible" despite the pair having an intense attraction to one another. The most difficult decision Susan made was to have a child with him, despite her positive status. "I had my daughter eight years after my diagnosis," Susan explains. "That was deemed by some people to be a reckless act because I could have infected her." There was medication available at the time which could lessen the chance of mother-to-child infection, but Susan decided against taking the drug for fear of the risks it posed to her baby. "I told my daughter I had HIV when she turned 10. I wanted her to know."
Susan was once a vocal HIV activist, often speaking to the media on behalf of the charity Positively Women. Unfortunately, hostile reactions eventually drove her to insist on anonymity when discussing her condition. As a woman, the accusations of being a slut were a particular problem. "I remember a man interviewing me and making a really unpleasant throwaway comment about the fact I contracted HIV from a holiday romance. There's definitely an extra stigma attached because of my gender."
Susan's lack of symptoms drove her to have another test, but anonymously, at a different hospital. "It was 18 years on and I wondered if there'd been some kind of mistake," she recalls. "But the clinic rang me two days later and asked me to come in as a matter of urgency." She knew exactly what was coming. "My result was still positive. The nurse was astonished."
"I've been to so many funerals over the years," Susan sighs. "To have this diagnosis makes you really confront your own mortality – the prospect of getting ill and dying. But a little voice tells me to carry on."
This article was originally published in Cosmopolitan on October 7, 2015, here. (*name has been changed)